it begins....again...?

absolutely mangled by the last couple of exams, i'm not quite sure why i've still managed to put some time aside to blog considering my next is well, tomorrow (i guess tomorrows one isn't too bad considering most of it was studied for the oral exam last tuesday; man, i don't even want to think about that).

phuccie and i spent a good few hours catching up on our fishing thursday night. a good bream was kept and the few undersizes were reluctantly let go. in an attempt to train for the prawn season which might actually start early this year considering how bloody cold it's getting, we decided to finish the night early, short of the few last prawns to cast net back home in brisbane.

popping home to do a plopper and grab my c-net, we were off to our place under the gateway where well, the cold seriously was not worth the catch of a good bucket of mullet. stripping down my 4 layers of longings and belongings, the feeling of the wet and the wind blowing against my wet was not even a bit experienced until the adrenaline rushing through our veins had dissapated on the walk back to the car. toes feeling like they were about to fall off and the rapid increases in respiration (probably from the initial shock of the cold) welcomed the level 4 heater which was turned on instantly upon starting her up.

we headed over to the colmslie jetty in hope for some prawns and well, pretty much anything that we could net. a good session which led to a couple of prawns, some herring and a ripped to bits cast net gave the both of us some experience, something we definately will look forward to in the few weeks to come (no sarcasm intended).

i must emphasize again, it was 'absolutely freezing'.



''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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