Am I too old?

Am I old?

So alright, I'm at home now after a more than typical night which usually ends with a drive home from an hour and a half session at the gym. Finishing work a little earlier than usual and cutting short after work conversations with Tien, I hurried over to the gym to smash my shoulder workout.

I feel proud to say that today, I have lost 20 kilos since the first time I started at Jetts. When the scale read 101.8 I was absolutely ecstatic. It jumped to 102 flat, and although I was a little dissapointed, I was still pretty happy. The last week and a half of carb cycling cut 4 kilos, a little extreme I guess but with the morning cardio and major changes in my nutrition, I'm suprised I didnt lose more.

As soon as I got off the scale, it was shoulders until the clock read something between half an hour to forty-five minutes later. The rush with time was due to a mates bucks party I was intending to attend. To be real honest, I absolutely hate the whole clubbing and bar scene and with the change in lifestyle with gym, alcohol wasnt really on my mind either. But to keep friendships fresh I really wanted to see the guys for a quick catch up and a little sacrifice was needed.

I cut ten minutes off of my cardio and I felt so bad. I kept finding excuses to not go, thus the main reason I went for a workout. I brought my usual 'going out' attire along in the car and figured that if I survived work and then got absolutely smashed at the gym and still felt like going, I would be able to. On the treadmil I texted the boys to see if it were still worth coming. Given that they had texted me all night convincing me to come say hi, the following texts didnt seem too enthusiastic. Roy was real keen to see me so I decided to go meet up with them.

The drive through the valley continuously reminded me why I hated the whole scene so much. I parked and then walked through the young valley crowd to meet up with about 20 guys, familiar faces scattered within the unfamiliar. It was great to see all the A blocks guys again and how they reacted when they saw me reminded me why I loved them so much. A little mingle and I was convinced to pay 20 bucks upon entry to a (I am very disgraced to say), titty bar. Apparently thats what bucks parties are all about, so that I'm told, and I guess if I were to catch up with the guys, a little sacrifice was to be made? Yeah, I didnt enjoy it...or did I?

Roy had me for the door which I hesitated greatly but I paid him back by giving Ross drink money so he could pass it on to him for me. I did so when I dropped the guys off in the city after leaving the bar 10 minutes later and the valley a whole 20 or so minutes after arriving. I VTECed out of the city, jumped on the highway with John Mayer blasting, windows down and had feelings of independence and freedom, not loneiness.

I think I have confirmed my oldness or rather posession of some old-like properties just from the conclusion of my night out. Why is it that I enjoy getting out of my slacks and a button up shirt and into boxers and abs (scrap that last one). Why is it that I enjoy making myself a tuna sandwich and a protein shake and then sharing it with my other best friend who isn't human and can't speak, more than being out with the guys at a much much too loud for my liking, nightclub? Why is it that I think nightclubs are too loud?

But does that make me old? In a sense I feel that I've grown up a little more but then again, there was never really a time I can remember when I was young, well for long anyway. I'm not exactly feeling that it's such a bad thing. I always remember a saying, your only as old as you feel and although I seem like an old man, I guess I've just got different hobbies and opinions to the majority of those my age. I feel that the endless enduring work nights have had some effect in shaping how I feel these days aswell; where the first thing on my mind upon finishing is going home to sleep.

I think my lifestyle change to help me live longer has also shifted my priorities. Maybe there are better things in life than waking up hungover from a night of annihilating your insides with impurities and killing your body with insufficient sleep.

There definately is. I like being an old bastard.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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