Heart fix.

So I've had a slight chip in my heart these past couple of days but I'm doing okay. Other than being slightly more motivated to blog a little more often, the side effects of cardiac broken-ness are prevented by keeping my mind occupied with things that make me feel happy.

We went to the springbrook mountains sunday just passed and other than having the usual great day out with the usual gang, it was definately a great experience, one which I've summoned a number of times to help me get through till our next memorable outting. The glow worms were absolutely amazing even though their peak light projection occurs near the end of December. I've always been fascinated by bioluminescence and intend to definately revisit once the mushrooms, trees and fireflies light up the forest.

Everyone feels a little crushed when fantasies are confirmed as such. I'm pretty corny in a way that my mind always tries to create the most 'romantic' scenario ever imaginable with absolutely anything that stimulates it.

The idea of fireflies let me conjure of a night which would only be lit by the luminescence of bioluminescences. The ground glows from millions of needle sized fungus and leads to a path ending under a mushroom covered tree, atop a green grassy hill which glows a dull pink colour. The street light like projections from under the pan sized symbiotic growths of the tree highlight a neatly spreaded blanket, and a basket full of food. Once the food has been eaten and we lie there, the fireflies surround us, and the pulsating of the glow worms in the distant caves synchronise with the dull thuds in our chests.

This was my little picnic for whoever wanted to join me. I always find amusement when I get lost in my own fantasies. It's even better when there is someone I create them for but I guess reality is kind of a buzz kill, especially when your a lost and hopeless romantic like myself. In saying that though, I'm not as depressed as you might think I am. Upon googling synonyms for heartbreak which definately isnt what I'm feeling, words such as despair, heartsickness, agony of mind and wretchedness definately do not describe how I feel.

Like I said previously, the chip is probably 1/100th of the heart which correlates to maybe a tenth of real sadness (saddness?). I'm more relieved that things turned out this way rather than getting further confounded within my thinkings.

I guess I'll just have to wait for someone else who wants to have sandwichs in the world of glow. Hope I don't have to wait too long though....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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