Cool, Calm, Collected.

F*ck off! Honestly, it's really been something that I haven't been able to control lately. My temper has been absolutely out of control and apart from the rare occasion that it actually isn't, well, that's just the calm before the storm my friends.

Honestly, I haven't been that bad, but to be really honest, I'm getting there. I mean, who would say that they are an angry bastard unless they really did realise it for themselves, then again, I say what's usually on my mind anyway right. But it's true, everything ticks me off these days. From the stresses of university life, and an epic final chapter at that, to wisdom teeth pain, being a poor bastard and with everything else filling in the gaps, it's hard not to feel a little ticked even when the simplest things go wrong.

The beast suddenly started stalling a lot more than usual and even with my money saving techniques (not wasting 100 bucks on fuel a week by refueling every 150 kilometers at 160+ cents a litre), it shorted me 100 kilometers of what I usually got on a tank. Investigating the problem led me to buy a fuel filter which was wrong the first time, didn't fit the second time and upon fitting it anyway, I lost my banjo bolt in the engine. After an hour or so of trying to get the bolt, I headed over to Supercheap to find that I had to get it directly from Honda. How the f*ck I was supposed to do that still beats me but I decided to eventually try my luck and take it off of the accord (still a work in process I might add) and it fit (thank f*ck!). Not long after though, when it rounded off the new fuel filter which left me back at square one, I chucked the old one back on and threw the other one as hard as could, somewhere.

The other day after a whole year or so of parking at the same spot to get to uni, I parked a whole 10 meters closer and got chopped with a 75 dollar fine. Mother f*cker, if I had to throw away 75 dollars, at least be it in 75 dollars worth of streamers or balloons or even anything, at least it could of been a pretty photo or something.

Today I tried to disconnect my Ipod from my car and the prongs on the cable prevented it from coming off. That pissed me off. 

My girlfriend made me promise to be a little more patient with the little things and ensured that it would eventually lead to the bigger things. I think my ranting has actually helped me put things into prospective. It's actually not 'THAT' bad I guess. I did find 10 bucks though which made me happy. 

We went into a restaurant today for their lunch special because we were feeling cheap. Lunch wasn't available after 8pm. Can't f*cking walk out 'now' can we.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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