It's getting...tough

Random mumblings and sleepy speak, you have been warned.
'Just breathe....' Hello. Thank God we've passed that now. For the past month or so, the only contact that I have had with this blog is pretty much the glimpse I have of it's shortcut on my browser. That pretty much applies with everything else I've tried to be involved in this year, exams came, are coming and pretty much, starts all over again, again.

I have to admit, my results are nothing worthy of bragging and there's a clear indication that if I don't start to pick up my game, I'm going to have to spend another year, doing it all over again. I'm worried. I don't think I'm worried enough.

It's been really good with the shop closing for a couple of weeks. Tien, Cassie and the family are doing a trip back to their homeland (we all came from China somehow right, don't be racist...) Not being at the shop for the Friday night is definitely something I miss, I just need to get rid of the 'vale shift and I'd probably be in heaven, not too much longer to go, only a few more months, just keep telling myself that....

My only priority for these next few weeks will be to knuckle down and study. No way around it. I don't understand why my work ethic for study is just not there. I can force myself to wake up for a Saturday shift at the sixer on less than 4 hours sleep, and I can even drag myself to the gym and give a workout even Arnie would be proud of but to study, I'd just rather sleep. But I'm changing by trying to concentrate on the reward. The end, seeing it, the light.

It gets hard when history doesn't look good but I guess someone who hasn't failed, hasn't really succeeded right? It's time to breathe again before it all comes to an end, a long road ahead before the end that's for sure!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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