
After my post earlier in the day, I've managed to get a few things done.

Apparently I don't start my internship yet, well start working at the pharmacy anyway, but I really am not one to complain. There is so much that I've neglected since my attempts to try and pass this final year of study that it seems that the free time I've got at the moment is a godsend.

I can't really remember the last time I mowed the lawn but I did it today. The good old red beetle is still working hard; it scared me a few months back when it wouldn't start but a spark plug change today got her roaring again (chirping). A cleared lawn is a good feeling. Not just the smell of cut grass mixed with the afternoon air fixing up the nostrils, but the feeling of satisfaction seeing the bottom of my backyard after a year or so is a great one.

The dogs gave me quite a fright this afternoon when they decided they'd go on a jog around the paddock. Instead of hanging around the back gate where they usually are, I ended up having to go grab the car keys in a search for them after having a stroll up to number 1 (usually where they are) and not finding them. Having a final search of the paddock I saw two blobs (a yellow and a black one) running relentlessly over where the train track barriers were. Bloody bastards. At least now I know that there aren't any holes in the paddock for them to escape. Still won't be letting them out of my sight for that long ever again though. Stupid dogs.

I took down the gates mum erected when we had a house mates husky here and fixed up the dodgy ass welded gate which broke from it's hinges a few too many years ago. The basketball hoop came down from the front garage and the difficulty getting it down questions me why we had put it up in the first place; Phuccie and I probably shot about 20 hoops, if that, before never ever touching it again.

And I cleaned the teg, and picked up the missus. Day completed. Successful.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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