annoying people and happy ly

So not having a computer isnt so bad, days seem more productive with less youtubing and bumming on forums looking up mostly useless stuff. The majority of the important things are easily accessed through my phone and apart from typing a little slower without a proper keyboard, nothing much is different.

I like having no computer to be honest. Not only does it allow me to be more productive, I reckon I've saved a fair few dollars not having it on twenty four seven. Having the great timing of computer annihlation just before exams, the latter couldnt be said with the ps2 breaking just when exams finished.

So currently, unless I'm outside on the couch with my trustee hard-drive media player, I'm not only computer-less, but am dvd watching-less. It gets boring after a hard night of work and iron especially when my only haven is taken away by the snoring annoyance that is the little sister; ffs shes sleeping with her 'laptop' playing episodes of modern family anyways, the new episodes I'd have to add, the ones I would be able to watch if my computer was working! Such is life isnt it?

But on the topic of annoying people, my last post describes of my top three most hated pet peeves. The boys and I had a good discussion about attributes that tick us off about people and where a stranger starts off before a relationship is established. Janice ranks everyone on a dislike scale before even meeting them. Phuccie reckons everyone starts on neutral ground with him and not many people move from there. The opposite on the scale was represented by tatey when Janice described his relationship with people starting at best friend until proven otherwise, they are only given one chance however. Although I couldnt say I'm much the same as any of them, I do believe that people must prove themselves before they progress much further than just accomplices. I explained to them that although they must prove their worthiness, once worthy, the friendship increases exponentially. Im still to figure out how I deal with dissapointment and fuck ups. To be honest, everyone stuffs up and if you recover from it, most instances things that stuffed it up, will never happen again, and the memory of it is never mentioned. To be honest, I'm not a grudge holding type of guy, I'm actually quite forgiving as I see no benefit from wasting energy to be angry when you could be happy and carefree. But I guess in similarity to tateys view on friendship, theres always the benefit of the doubt. I question whether there is a limit to the amount of chances you give though, but in the end, if people dont appreciate the friendship then I guess its best to let them on their way.

On other more positive news, I'm still on a little high with the completion of my first 5 days of holidays since exams finished. With old friends buzzing to catch up with me, the completion of security for ever ever (at the moment anyway) and the general holiday happy happenings (chilling with the guys down the coast, late night soft serve runs, front lawn gutter sitting convos, etc), today life seems fairly swell. I've made sure I make the most out of these holidays with the start of the day, ensuring I brush my teeth and chug down a protein shake. For some reason, doing these little things to begin my day has helped me extend it. I'll see if I can add a chore a day, I'll definately get alot more done that's for sure.

I'm buggered. Good night people with a nose biscuit full of tipsy chooks.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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