Repititon; the act or an instance of repeating or being repeated, as described by wiki-dictionary, is pretty much what life seems to be for me these days. I've never realised how much of a routine I actually follow until recently seeing where I stand in the progress of both personal and physical development.

Tonight when the scales showed 103.4, I realised that in 8 months I've managed to work towards a goal that I never thought would be possible. 8 months of hard lifting, exhausting cardio and the same routine, day in and day out and day in and day out, has led to a total weight loss of 19 kilos, 10 centimeters off my waist circumference and from what I see looking back at me in the mirror, a much more happy Ly.

Switching up my diet to help me cut a little more body fat, I look back and a week has already passed. I started with thoughts of disatisfaction and dreadingness when the taste of plain can tuna and little to no carbs replaced my more than moderate amounts of carbohydrates and saturated fats (I've actually been eating pretty cleanly, with the bad lipids coming from the unoccasional feed at the big k).

Every morning starts with a teeth brushing followed by a protein shake. I added a chore afterwards and in completing the majority of housework on and off of my to do's, my acquired energy is now put to a half an hour session of cardio. I now do cardio and any exisiting chores; its quite suprising how a little effort put into everyday can change pretty much your whole day, in my case, for the better.

Both your body and mind work conjunctively to develop habits, to break habits the mind is always the one you must conquer inititally but once you take control of it, the body does the rest of the work. I have trouble sleeping after work unless I've lifted and I have trouble staying awake in the morning unless I've done my session of cardio. Your body is a very adaptive system and with a little effort and some repititon, I guess the sky and the deepest undiscovered seas are the limit.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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