Poo covered nuts.

Yesterday was the first time since last year that i got absolutely smashed on the rummies. Today ive experienced one of the worst workouts since last year and ive concluded through my awesome skills of deductive reasoning that it must of been my inability to drink enough; couldnt have been the rummies thats for sure. On the note of gym, the terrible workout has in a positive sense, showed me how far ive come since my first visit to the gym.

Although my goal of reaching a hundred kilos is still slightly out of reach and the visibility of abdominals shouldnt even be mentioned about, my waist circumference is finally in a healthy range and my levels of energy can be portrayed pretty accurately by the redbull ads, its like ive got wings!

Its that time of year again where celebrations begin and planning for celebrations are in action. I love this time of year, even though it indicates that only after conquring the demons that are the end of year exams, I'd be able to start living the plans myself.

Ive been a uni whore the past couple of days, trying to cram my brain with some more pharmacy practice lectures. My attempt to study at home after a fairly good attempt at making the house study friendly failed miserably when i forgot to factor in my easy accessibility for my bed and the sleep associated furniture i.e the couch. With my computer busted again through some awful godforsaken son of a beeech virus, the study nights out at gardens point seemed at times hindered with much more efficient hand to desktop cursor and finger to letter actions rather than the finger pointer and simultaneous texting thumb typers.

But it hasnt been all that bad to be honest. Ive definately been alot more productive this semester round and even though id be hardpressed to regurgitatate word for word the adverse reactions of all the wonderful drugs of dyslipedmia, heart failure, erectile dysfunction etc, and other need to remember for exam information, i feel pretty confident that ill do ok. "Wtf am i saying..."

On non failing university exams news, i think i might be in love,.....again. But its probably not what you think, well not exactly. I think from the progressive improvements ive made these past couple of weeks things seem to have become more,- lovable. It seems that with improved energy and motivation from the regular gym nights and the slow but noticable sexy improvements, have added about 2 tenths into my tank of happys. The reduction of time spent bumming around either on the net or in front of the digital screens have made me become a little more productive and with accomplishing much more, i seem to be more satisfied as days come to ends. The relations seem to be all in order and some, so i guess if im not in a good mood at the moment, there wouldnt be much else that could made me happy.

Ive started to throw the words fate and destiny around a fair bit these days although i still believe that working hard to find your wanting will always trump the abilities of fate, well, 80-20 i reckon. But with regards to 'my' recent experiences of destiny and fate, i reckon that more than nothing, things happen for a reason. I lost 40 bucks last week when i was trying to be a rich guy....cont.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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