
Farout! Christmas was around the corner, it came, and it went and now it's so far away, I'm counting down till the next one (mind you, it's only been a week or so since Christmas but still!).

We prepared long and hard for Christmas, well prepared better than all those other years but it still didn't ready us for hectic-ness. I hate the Christmas crowds, the 8 or so carols that were on repeat at the drug dealers and everything else that comes with Christmas! Not really. Don't take me for such a sad guy, I love how Christmas brings people together, but that's it!

It was difficult to get in the shopping for the present receivers due to how work has been but we did squeeze in a good few days of crowd squeezing and sore feet. Carindale, Indooropilly and a few of the other big Westies around were frequented, more than I had preferred but it was good to get into the spirit for once.

We had a nice gathering with a few, a few nights before Christmas which was a good change of pace. I've been a sudden alcoholic the passing couple of weeks with few meals without a beer in my hand. The Christmas dinner we had was no different. Big asian santa downed a six pack of crowns and two coronas and happily fell asleep with Mrs Claus a few hours later.

We went out for steak a few days later and after one cider, one and a half steaks at the Morrison hotel, some pre-workout followed by a leg session, I seriously wished we hadn't gone out and paid so much for dinner that I would eventually throw back up.

Holidays have been great. I'm really loving how this year is finishing up. 


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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