Life, as an intern

How is life as an intern. I graduated, did all the fancy stuff and now, two months into internship, I've only just really realised that I actually am an intern. It's a strange feeling coming to grasps with reality that university has led me to a professional career. I can actually call myself a professional, even though I dressed like one, acted like one and even pretended to be one for a few months prior.

It's just a feeling you know what I mean. Internship has been tough, really tough. All my plans to make intership year a year to do absolutely everything and anything I wanted, kind of surpassed me when I was bombarded with the responsibilities.

As an intern I was responsible for all webster related issues. That included enquries, changes, set ups, deletions, script chasings and doctor interaction, anything and everything having to do with webster patients, I was the man. The goals set out for me, although I believe are achievable (because I strive to accomplish them), will definitely challenge me, and has.

A month into taking over these webster duties, I was demoted (my role as an intership changing would be more appropriate) from webstering. I have to admit it was a massive weight off of my shoulders, when the boss realised that it was probably more appropriate to have the intern deal with the regular duties a pharmacists' is to perform as eventually we will all become one. I now look over the webster duties instead of packing them, leaving more time to learn everything else there is involved with being a pharmacist.

I've learnt how to close a claim, deal with manufacturers, order critical items from pfizer to avoid delivery fees and everything else in between. I even talked to Tim Logan, the president of the Queensland branch of the Pharmacy Guild! He made me shit my pants, the real Tim Logan. I seeked advice from him regarding the marketting regulations of famciclovir, a newly rescheduled medication, blah blah blah. All interesting to me but you all probably don't want to hear me blabber on about it :)

But I will blabber one last thing and that is, I'm absolutely loving it. Life as a pharmacist (intern) and life outside of university is a great one. Maybe it's the second Rekorderlig that's talking but hey, when was the last time I had a drink? Be it the free time I've got on a Thursday night where I can relax, sit back and enjoy one with my new favourite cold one, or I've been so stressed and rung out that I need a cold one to lax out, I'm feeling carefree more often which is a good thing.

Talk soon.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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