I love Brisbane (part 2)

It’s now my turn to have no power with all this chaos going on about the repeat of the 2011 floods. Holy doodle, it hasn’t stopped raining until now and by raining, I mean absolutely pouring, windy rain!

Driving has been such a hassle with the tegs but my hair seems to dry a lot quicker with the heater on full blast in hope that my car doesn’t fog up in all it’s non-airconditioner goodness. Even driving the missus car this morning after dropping her off to work has been excitingly scary, with ridiculous winds blowing the black beast side to side as if I were in a boat.

The usual spots that we suspected would be under were pretty much there. JB hi fi the once WOW, over at oxley is pretty close, supercheap auto is there. Roads all along the scary area on the way to Inala have been sanctioned off by police, probably the reason why the little lake we went fishing in a few years back had all that brackish in there.

But the ‘big wet’ (seems like what everyone is calling it) has slowly moved on to the south and the winds from the numerous tornados up north are slowing down. Everything  feels, calm. Calmer.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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