getting back into it

after taking a 3 year break from taekwondo to concentrate on senior studies, i think its time i got back into it. im not sure why i want to get back into training ay. well i guess theres always the getting into shape and the re-training of skills aspects but there's just this something i want to find again, the thing that changed me when i was training. yeah it's a little confusing ay, it's a bit hard to describe but i dunno, i just feel now that i've stopped training, the taekwondo flame in me has depleted along with morals and beliefs i had learnt. i feel as if there are a few things missing in me. i can see that my discipline and will power has sorta drifted somewhere as well as my can do and try harder attitudes. while training 3 years back, one of the most important words i learnt was respect. all who entered the dojo (it was more an empty school hall) were treated as equals. from aussie to viet, young to old, white belt to black, we all respected one another and shared the one goal of learning to incorporate martial arts into our way of life. we all learnt respect the hard way, only knowing we had done something wrong when the masters foot was up our arse. it was good. when i think about it, most of what i learnt was nailed hard into me during training (literally).

i think it's time to get my belt off the wall and find my lost nails.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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