i am security for this venue....

excuse me sir, my name is ly truong and i'm security for this venue.

security work has been great. ever since i became officially not unemployed two days ago working as security at the royal exchange, only a few times has life been better. hahaha. i've finally been able to get back into routine. i can't believe i'm still going for that one hundred and fifty fourth goal, damn, it's the longest i've ever kept to such a routine. having 6 meals, weight training for 2 hours, cardio for an hour and drinking about 3 litres of water everyday. after about a weeks hard work and getting sick of the taste of powdered protein and rabbit food, i've lost a good 2 kilos which im real happy about ay. but other than trying to get fit and working, have also managed to put in a few hours of guitar playing, reading and good hours of catch up sleep. i never thought i would ever say this, but life is getting way too routine! haha, i know, i can't really talk because it's only been a week or so and though it's good to stick to a plan and i'm happy that working and doing my own thing has been able to give me a bit more freedom, i dunno, i just want some more random shit to happen. not like enough random shit already happens at work (drunk people are funny) but just, hmmmm, i dunno, i don't want drama or anything, just something unexpected....i dunno if anyone ever feels they need something unexpected in their life. *something like winning the lotto would be pretty cool*. hahaha.

security work has been pretty alright. i get paid to stand in front of the pub entrance and direct people to the front door and keep track of people leaving the club. the shifts aren't too bad, start at around 8 and finish up at around 2 before hoping over to the regatta and helping out over there. work isn't too bad at all, get to meet a lot of people and build bonds in a team environment. i guess with a job like that, you really need people to have your back.

we had a real mean trial bbq yesterday (saturday). it wasn't really anything planned or anything, donald the little girl just called and said turn up with some meat and drinks. it was pretty mean ay. drove my car into their bloody narrow and steep as driveway and after just listened to maximum bass from my car while eatting real mean meats cooked on donalds new bbq.

i got bored....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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