unemployed life...

ohhh bugger me ay, unemployed life is slowly getting to me ay. it hasn't really got anything to do with the being bored or having nothing to do bit....just, the thought that i'm actually unemployed and have absolutely nothing "useful or productive" to do. well i guess that's not completely true, have been cleaning the shit out of the house and adding bits and pieces to my business plan (that's a lie) but still, i guess little work is still a bit better than no work (just trying to make myself feel better). hmmm, let me recap, i'm still trying to figure out what i've been up to the past couple of weeks ever since my last post. lemme see. in there i've been out over at the physio over in inala a few times. not to offend the physio practitioners or anything but for those who believe that physio is an easy and painless alternative to healing your muscles and joints and stuff, it aint ay. maybe i'm a little girl but i remember walking into the clinic and limping out; it did however get new blood into my ankle and a couple of days later it felt alot better ay. in the few weeks, i've also started working towards my goal one hundred and fifty fourth of getting abs. my days now consist of gym and cardio work as well as eatting shitty rabbit food and alot of protein shakes. p40 is the crap i've got, it tastes like vanilla smoothie and keeps me full for about 4 hours....i'm slowly getting sick of the taste ay, gonna try another flavour next time ay.

i've completed goal number seventy; seeing little sister graduate from high-school when a bunch of us went to brisbane convention centre to resit another state high graduation. i bet seeing the seniors of 06 graduating brought back alot of memories for us, felt pretty nostalgic actually ay. man, had a long think about how one year had already past so quickly and felt as if i hadn't really advanced from where i left off. what have i acheieved ever since leaving my class of 05 seniors? what have i advanced in ever since i wore my state high uniform for the last time? i sat and thought about this hard ay. i guess although i'm still sitting here in my room, unemployed and still staring at a computer, i've had the chance to cross out alot of my goals from the list thats pinned on my bedroom wall.

left australia for a change of scenery as well as atmosphere. met and made new bonds as well as testing existing ones. learnt of new culture, new ways of life, being independent and i guess the most important thing i got from living away from my closest family and friends was learning who i really am.

hahaha i don't feel even half as bad now, i guess being unemployed is only a choice, im just waiting to get my security license so i can work so i guess this is sort of a little break. hmmm i guess i have done a fair bit ever since my last post. on top of starting a new diet, going to physio, seeing my sister graduate and a whole lot of thinking, i somehow managed to fit in going to the movies, going pubbing, fishing, mahjong, countless hours of nintendo, going down the coast and shopping. whoa, unemployed life is great, i think i should put more time on the things i'm going to miss or not be able to do because of work and study. from today and until my unemployed life still exists, ima work towards my goals with a bit more passion and drive. gonna stop being a lazy arse and stop bumming around. ima get off my arse and do something, productive


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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