
i never really knew how fun soccer could be. played a heap load of soccer today ay. senegal are still the best team in the world, even though i got knocked out in the second round world cup tournament. phuccie the little girl left his 'this is football 2005' at my place (well to be more correct, i accidentally took it out of the case and forgot to tell him) but anyways, yeah, i've been sitting on my fat arse playing games while it should be working. officially on holidays for 2 weeks (not really) but just want to rest up my left foot ya know; injured it at rugby training; jerry collins tackles like a little girl, he didn't even break my leg. hahahaha, (please don't hurt me). hahaha, yeah, i've been real lazy past couple of days ay. not quite sure why but i have a feeling it's the weather ay. the queensland storm season seems to have started a little early this year but i guess we're getting some decent rain ay; we can finally see the dams rise a whole thousanth of a millimetre.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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