
why all the heheheeing you might wonder? well as it is, i'm officially on holidays but with knowing that i finished last monday, why is it that i'm still pretty happy, maybe something else made me feel this way?

and yeah that's pretty much it ay. i can't believe that just one little (not really little i guess but one thing nonetheless) thing which was addressed today has brought me a whole lot of joy, alot more so than say, last night before my head hit the bed.

i've done satisfiable amounts of fishing although barely sufficient i'ld like to think and i've pretty much put my head down and how did that metaphor go...,'hit the ground running' as you'ld say. i finished painting the front half of my car as an experiment and i guess i couldn't be more happier knowing that it doesn't look as dodgy as i'ld thought it would turn out being.

catching up on some needed exam replacement sleep, no longer am i waking up at the 3 or 4 in the afternoon which resulted from early morning cramming allowing me to make more of my day. i can't wait to get the boat sorted, i've started a list, which is pretty typical ay...

hopefully these holidays are...productive.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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