so i guess referring back to the start of my exam period posting; i can finally see the end of the tunnel and am slowly, at the time being heading towards the light. in a few more simple hours (12 to be exact) i will be pretty free, or should i say free from study for the many many weeks to come. to be really honest, there is no doubt in my mind that i will be staying back another year to finish off my degree because of some unfortunate and dissapointing exam performances but i guess why worry now when you can worry later? (no no, that's no real way of looking at it is it?)

but either way, what's done is done and i guess to be successful in general you gotta make sure you don't make the same mistake twice ay, everyone f*cks up. as content as i might sound (i am actually pretty content) i'm still to worry about a few things which have to be done in the next couple of days, things which i've been putting off for way too long.

i've got to really sort out my money issues at the moment. the two weeks or so of no work even though doesn't account for some enormous amount of money is gonna kill me the second bills come in the next week or so. i've got to find another job, preferably at a pharmacy somewhere where i can gain a little bit more experience as well as helping me find new ideas of things.
i've got to quit security for good this week and help out more at the 6er. hopefully things work out.

i've got to figure out what's going on with this electricity stuff as well as little bits and pieces there. i'll try and put in some time to paint my little beast as well, you'll see what i've done to it in a few days, it will be sexy. but yeah, hopefully this good break after exam will give me some time to fix things and do things as well.

just a few more hours to go. i seriously can't wait.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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