
sometimes i do laugh at the situations i am in. well maybe not....but it is kinda funny when ja simple little things such as alchohol, a v ery addictive drug mind you can take over your bodily sysstems nd render you pretty much...well....worthlesss, not in such a sense of mental mind though as it does make you think of man other things.

i guess alchohol can help you forget things, considering the bloody insane hangover you'ld experience upon the morning on a big night out. but it does also help you figure little things out, or i guess think of themm nonethe less. how would i, iif not drunk, oror sober (yeah i guot you there), be able to express feelings that i've helpd in for so much long.

yes, it is pretty certyain that i'vehad litltle success in my life up until now,but in sayin g that, i've managed to find a group of friends whom not only love me for whom i am, they appreiciat alll the little thingsi n life and well, even if they are a llittle sidetracked, there is alsoways time for.....us time...?

o don't kn0ow, these days, life just seems to be sooooooo routine (i've said it before and i'll say it again) but you know what, it's good to have spontaneous times like these. i'm able to express what i really feel and not be curtained by other aspects of life. i really hope ray had an aesomwe night.....

tonight taughed me the imporatnce of appreaciateding life and having fun going with the flow. cheers guys, this is dru8nk ly, out.....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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