spongbox square pants

so yeah mang, still with the sleep in my eyes, and neck aching, pretty much feeling like f*ck all over, i think coming back down from the caffeine addiction has absolutely stuffed me.

on top of that, i'll probably rock up next year doing micro for the second time (i really really hope not though). that exam was soooo freaking crazy ay, i hope that some all mightly force actually helps me pass that thing; that's pretty much all that i'm relying on really, no faith....no faith at all.

my intention last night was to cram hard for the first half of the semester of pharmacology; depression, alzheimers, parkinsons and epilepsy but it was occupied by some sleeping and tv watching; i'm sooo wrecked ay, more so than a prisoners anus when they get let out. but ohh well, i guess it's still early days as much as i say it isn't.

when i really think about it, i do the majority of my studies at night, in the 4 or so hours it offers me. it's 12:39 at the moment so that means before my 'actual' study which begins usually round 7, i've got a good 6 or so hours so lets see how it goes. i really do plan to finish most of my stuff tonight. i've got court and my pharmacy oral to worry about but pharmacology is just such a ball licking subject, im suprised i haven't stressed out even more...

2 semesters of pharmacology i guess helps you get used to some of it....

i need to pass this exam, superman, please help me, i need to be rescued!


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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