(If these were) My Last words.

I finished watching the most recent episode of ‘How I met your mother’ and was a little touched about the scope of the particular episode. It portrayed the lives of the main characters upon attending one of their fathers’ funerals. The episode mainly revolves around the idea of remembering the deceased last words; something which defined the person before they’d passed away and creating closure to their loved ones.

I’ve always had a thought that I would eventually pass when I reach the age of 120, on a Thursday, from a slumber I would never wake from. I would say ‘goodbye and good riddance’ to all my children and grandchildren, ‘I love you’ to my wife and ‘I’ll see you guys soon’ to all my friends and family whom hadn’t left yet. To be honest, I do feel a little iffy talking about death but as I’ve witness one too many times this year, if death comes knocking, all you can do is pack.

As life has put it, nothing you do today will guarantee you of life tomorrow. So this blog post is a selection of my sincere last words in case they ever are.

I love you so much and don’t ever let the world bring you down, embrace the bad and make the most out of the good. Life is never fair but don’t try and get even.

Grow up and look after her, she loves you very much and we are both so proud of you, especially me.

I will say hi to him when I see him and remind him of how great a person you are. You are like a brother to me, stand strong.

Teach the children about love, they need to know that if they are going to be our future. Thanks for everything.

Stay on track and never let motivation and determination be far from you. You will do well.

I love you with all my heart, thank you for raising me and being my best friend.

I’ll wait for you.

Don’t hold on but make every second count.

Don’t eat raw eggs, good protein can’t be activated unless it’s cooked.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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