There's always a first!

There's always a first!

So today was a first of many things for me. It was the first time since the new year started that I didn't do my morning cardio. It was the first time since the new year that I skipped lunch and the first time since the new year that I wore a singlet to the gym. To be completely honest, the feeling you have for a first really depends on how you look at it. I mean, instead of the morning skip, I substituted it for an afternoon hike up the Spring brook mountains. Instead of the typical lunch I'd have, I got my calories from chewing on chocolate and rum fudge. The first time for the singlet wasn't so spectacular either considering I wore them to the gym only when I finished my workout.

But like l said, it really depends on how you look at things. I'm slightly more happy with myself that I have the self confidence to wear one to the gym and workout and not care what other people think of me. I guess sometimes there's a particular expectation with the first of things. It could be a bad impression such as doing drugs for the first time or the good impression you might have of the first time you find yourself huddled next to a loved one; both of which I have never experienced. In the end, I guess it really depends on your own values and judgments. To many people, there will never be a first. I guess life is not all about making the right decisions and being comfortable.

Sometimes its essential to make mistakes and to experience what you hate before you can appreciate what you like. A good mate put it 'try before you buy and if you don't like it, you can always return it', my mate works in retail....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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