We swing up and down.

The higher I swung, the greater the thought of how painful it would be if I were to fall right at that instant. I’m probably just a shoe length higher than Janice now but I guess I am about a shoe length taller than her anyways. As I come down, the zero velocity experience of my bum lifting off of the seat, lets me know my limit has been reached.

Up and down as we swung, from below the darkness of the trees up high into the surprisingly fresh clear sky of this summers' night, crickets chirping, Quang screaming at Janice telling her to stop going any higher, we were definitely experiencing the true definition of being on holidays.
It felt so free swinging like we did, taking turns being the one up high; it was like we could reach out to the stars and just pick them from the sky. I felt warm and yet fresh to relive the feeling of simple happiness and be in a moment of new beginnings and forward movinggg.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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