My start

What a year it has been already. Whether you believe in superstitions or not, this year already seems to be a much different from the last.

Sleep was pretty much my agenda for the first day of the new year as the past week or so since Christmas celebrations started, sleepless living has been much of my life. My father called me for no real reason and although the feeling i have towards him can't really be explained right now, him calling was definitely something that didn't happen last year, or the few years before that actually. But the year none the less has been positive so far.

Nothing is more satisfying as finishing both work and gym and then hanging with the gang; raging at them as they play hon. Sitting on tateys amazingly comfortable bean bag, and watching the guys do their thing on the computers, mouse click sounds which pollute the room, i feel so fortunate to be here with all of them, again, enduring the past year, and starting the new one.

I found it a little amusing seeing the gym half packed on the first day of the new year, especially a Saturday as well. I'm glad a lot of people tried to achieve their new years resolutions this year, i just hope they stick to it. I was in the same position this same time last year. How much easier it would of been if I could have seen how much a whole year of hard work looked like when I started. I wish the new gym attendees the best.

The gym was back to normal 20 minutes later, you can't fake dedication. Number one goal in gym for this year, 95 kilos and a waist size to fit 34, so far so good. 99.4.

Hoping the rest of this year goes by smoothly, with the new mentality that is to do what makes me happy, i feel this year is going to turn out to be a great one!

1 year ago.

10 months later.

Today....I have no recent pictures, but they will be up soon.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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