caffiene addict

yeah, after my last post, i was good for bed. was in my warm bed, wrapped up in my blanket cause the aircon's on full power (it's way too hot without it on these days) and channel surfing when the sweet sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee hits me from the kitchen. my bloody little sis for some reason was practising her milk, i'm still not sure why in particular especially at this time of night but i didn't bother asking after being amazed by her so called coffee art. after grinding, tamping and filtering the coffee and somehow after playing around with the milk rod thingymajig, the little white china cup and it's contents in front of me, resembled something i'ld pay for.

as me being me, i attempted to do it better. i failed and gave up after burning the milk numerous times. gotta practise more once we get some proper milk. trim milk for some reason separates with it's froth too quickly...well so said by my little sis. i learnt a few things tonight. now i really know that i've paid for coffee i thought tasted great because i didn't know better. time to kick my own arse and get myself to research a bit more and start going around and tasting more stuff ay. opening the mind, and letting others shove things into it ay.

i think the thing i really need now is a pilow shoved in my face to make me go to sleep. i guess even then i'm way too drugged up on caffiene that it'll probably keep me awake for my 6 hour shift friday night. feeling good, i'm going to bed.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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