learning mahjong late night, after a big long day is bloody damn frustrating. after a whole day down the coast, going down to check out ross's possible future sil80, we stopped by lams place for an intense 5 hours (i think it was 5) of mahjong. across the table from me was ricky, the little smart player, using his aggressiveness to his advantage, putting the other 3 players, me included confused and amazed with his signature mahjong cube flick and slapping it down for play. nick, the player to my right was the dirty player. many would be fooled upon such an encounter of this character. as our 10th or so round came by, only the word conservative can be used to describe nick. as quiet as a mouse and moving play onto the next character as quick as a lion, this character's only intention was to build up the tension and let it go just when the time was right. the smell of rotten eggs after the sight of nicks bony arse was a very occasional and dreading sight which affected the other players drastically if any fumes were inhaled. to my left was ross. the boss sitting beside me was a very strange character, or so he led me to believe. the play of the game would slowly be controlled by ross. after every rotation, the time spent waiting for ross to play a hand was slowly increased. the granny player we all agreed at the end was what we'ld call him. i'd have to agree, his tactic worked. the more pissed off we all got, the more mistakes we had made, throwing blocks we had needed to those who were waiting to complete straights or trips. after an exhausting 16 rounds, and still to be completed, the score lies at:

FAT: 6


  1. 2003 JDM said...

    Mahjong is so fun. we should really finish the competition soon because i dont think i remember how to play.

  2. Ly Truong said...

    hahahaha! bro, it doesn't really matter ay...cause everyone already knows who's gonna win mate. the fat

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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