fattys feelings

i got to experience the feeling of meeting an old friend at an airport just a few days back. the feeling i experienced was quite strange at first, most of what was curiousity. driving by the departure doors of the international brisbane airport, i observed and surveyed attentively to find a person with similar features as my boy i remembered the last day i saw him. upon spotting him standing on the sidewalk and him squinting as to try to recognise the face behind the windscreen of my car i slowly pulled over. as i opened the door and approached him, i quickly analysed him to see whether or not he had changed ever since the last time we met and was concerned for myself wondering if he had thought that same about me. after finally seeing that he hadn't changed a single bit and that it wouldn't really matter anyway if he did, i felt the old memories and good times i had experienced run through all over me. it's hard to describe the feeling ay. i couldn't help but just feel good, just how after such a long period with scarce keeping in contact (guys are like that), it seemed as though the last time i saw my mate was yesterday. while catching up, it seemed as though i was still there over in new zealand and that i hadn't missed anything. it's a great feeeling. hope your doing well karan mate.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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