Don't Wait Too Long

You can cry a million tears
You can wait a million years
If you think that time will change your ways
Don't wait to long

When your morning turns to night
Who'll be loving you by candlelight
If you think that time will change your ways
Don't wait to long

Maybe I got a lot to learn
Time can slip away
Sometimes you got to lose it all
Before you find your way

Take a chance, play your part
Make romance, it might brake your heart
But if you think that time will change your ways

Don't wait to long

It may rain, it may shine
Love will age like fine red wine

But if you think that time will change your ways
Don't wait to long

Maybe you and I got a lot to learn
Don't waist another day
Maybe you got to lose it all
Before you find your way

Take a chance, play your part
Make romance, it might brake your heart
But if you think that time will change your ways
Don't wait to long
Don't wait
Hmm... Don't wait

yeah, found this artist while looking around for similar beats as michael buble, jamie cullum and such. although this artist style is a little french orientated, it gets to sound pretty cruisy after ya get used to it ay. if ya like jazzy easy listening stuff, don't go past madeleine peyroux ay.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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