i miss new zealand aow

i'm listening to flashback on the fat freddy's album at the moment and can't help but reminisc about all the good times i had over in new zealand. anyone who has been there would know it's one of the most beautiful places in the world. it's just one of those places where you can be relaxed all the time and not need to care about what others think. that's how i felt anyway, but i think it just had more to do with the people around me. the boys up on the hill ay. it was really strange how they changed me and helped me through my few months studying at otago

i remember my first day sitting in the number 4 room at aquinas college on a bed i had never slept on, being in a weather i've never experienced before (bloody cold), and in a place i've never been to. i was pretty scared to be honest. i had no relatives, i knew nobody and all i could think of were if only i had listened to mum. lol, how more wrong could i have been.

when i remember back during the last few weeks in dunedin, the moments of having 10 or so people squished inside a 1 person room laughing and trying to play guitar to waiting in line to grab a feed to walking down to the local and having a few are some memories which are most special to me. i wish all you boys the best and will definately see you guys some time soon. kia kaha. fat


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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