just a thought...

after watching v for vendetta i've finally realised through the movies portrayal of a utopian society ruled by the corrupt and heartless government; that i've made up my mind and will conclude that no matter what it takes, i will find that mask. not really. the movie was heaps buzzy ay. it really does try to make you compare our current world with that of the movie. i'm not quite sure what mood i was in after watching that movie but it put me in a state which questioned many things about our government; well to be more truthful, it was really about how our world leaders dealt with recent world incidents which have occured. when i slowly recollected the past events which occured within our present world, it really did start to resemble those orwellian concepts shown in the movie; the powerfully government controlled media and such which helped to shape the small peoples opinions to those which opposed their own and ideas of being watched and monitored at any particular time also emerged. hmm, just something i wanted to share. it's a good movie.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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