something about me

mum gave birth to me on the 21st of april 1988 in the womens united hospital of bundaberg. i have one younger sister, a dog named cola and attended acacia ridge primary school graduating with citizenship awards. graduated from brisbane state high school in 2005 with a bunch of life long mates, moved to study in new zealand at the university of otago for 6 months (up on the hill with the new zealand boys) and am currently working. in my spare time i like to kick a ball around with the guys, cruise, talk, surf the net; youtube, play pool, do weights and watch tv. i also really like to chill out listening to a wide range of music as well as trying to play my guitar. one of my favourite movies would have to be amelie, starring the beautiful audrey tautou as it has inspired me to trying to live a fulfilling life full of big and little wonders. my friends inspire and motivate me to do well. an important goal i wish to achive in my life is to give back to those who have helped me become the person i am.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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