something random

it’s hot, the air is humid and the rocking of the boat from consistent harmonic motions of the water waves has finally taken toll on my stomach. the blue canopy appearing above when my eyes part, only just protects my greasy sun creamed body from the blazing sun. dad’s sitting about a ruler’s length from me, exhausted as a result of the weather though very observant on the four rods resting over the side of the boat. when I was young, many an in seasoned tailor or tilapia weekend early morning or nearing dusk day, dad and I would be out either on the boat or sitting on wet morning grass waiting for the fish to bite or more a rather, hoping. Today was the first day i’d been fishing with dad since last years summer holidays when between the two of us we had caught sixteen, kilo plus sized tilapia; the most we had ever caught in one go....


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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