something random

the blood around my body seems as though it’s all suddenly concentrated in the area of my chest. the thumping of my heart had suddenly increased, my palms feel sweaty, and my stomach feeling as though i’m pregnant and the kids inside are getting really hungry. all i can hear are the muffled voices of the crowd and my conscious screaming at me to calm the fuck down. all i can see is a dense structure composed of pretty much half of the opposition’s team. what to do next is only determined after the referee’s rising of his arm and the blowing of his whistle. the only things going on inside my head are the random jumbled words of success and failure and the questioning upon which will become reality. the chemical signal received by my brain has finally translated itself to that of the noise of a high pitched squeak, passed through the air by auditable waves by the referee’s game whistle. the mud painted oval shaped object can be seen leaving the hands of…..

yeah, i still remember that game in the photo. i think it was against gregory terrace..i'm surprised i even remembered that. probably the biggest hit on me all season. after catching the ball in that photo, i ran it hard and got nailed by i think their tighthead. i had trouble seeing for a while after that. state high rugby was great fun. gives you the opportunity to work and grow with your teammates as well as keeping numbers off the scales.

yeah the photo is pretty dodgy, i haven't got anything better than the photo above from, proffessional photography (i gotta buy the print to get rid of that writing; stink ay)


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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