my first attempt

while snooping around deviant art last night i'm amazed how some people can create gorgeous pieces of art using nothing but the swift manevouring and slight click of a computer mouse. after gathering inspiration from the many insane pieces of magic i gave it ago myself and to my expense i have realised that talent is something you cannot learn, as you can see from my embarrasing attempt of simple was just not meant to be....

here's a piece i found on devinat art i'ld like to share with you. it's a little scary and out there but i guess that's what makes it great. damn, the more i look at it, the more i like it; enjoy the biting pear of salamanca by artist ursulav:

haha yeah just to point out and i guess to add salt to my wound in that i have no artistic abilities what so-ever, i wrote the above on my new tablet which although does not assist me in creating insanely hypnotizing art, does however entertain me to use it and scribble mindlessly for hours without wasting any paper or ink. just something i wanted to point out.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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