my smelly dog

today was hot. it was just one of those days which your not supposed to do anything, or move at all at that. the weather report showed that brisbane hit 31 degrees today and that it was snowing in canberra, whoa, someone really fucked it up ay. ohh well, i guess that's just the effects of global warming ay, can't wait till we hit summer. today was just boring ay. after letting our brains slowly mush in front of the television for however many hours it was, my sister figured that it would be quite amusing to dress cola up in a singlet and skirt. it was pretty entertaining to see her attempt to dress a 30 kilo rotty crossed with a german shepherd; not that it's a big dog or anything, she's just weak. hahaha. as a big brother, i sat and laughed at her. she managed to get cola dressed after my assistance and we were off; to be entertained by a dog trying to walk in a skirt.

minutes of fun: 5


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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