the beginning of an end

i guess some things in life resembles much like that of the little air freshener hanging above me. although still being green coloured, it shows of how it used to look. it's beginning lead such a great and beautiful life, freshening the mornings air with the slight scent of fresh car smell.

as it grew older, although much less scentwise now, hints of it's past can still be recognised. the new car smell finally dissapated into a maintenace smell where life just couldn't be without. lingering whenever i was within its active radius, would be the slight change in airspace that i'ld recognize everytime.

a good 3 years later, with the smell of it resembling much of what it's been exposed to (mean farts of a few, the aroma of last nights dinner, the whiff of cola germs) it sits, motionless, highlighted under my desk lamp, still remaining as beautiful as i had remembered it the first time i got it- but different. what use is it now, that the air freshener no longer freshens the air i breathe. what more is it than a leaf shaped, green piece of cardboard?

to an instant, i've contemplated, like i did regarding the same thing whist cleaning my car one arvo. having 5 air fresheners dangling from my rear view, none of which still aquiring their main duty, i couldn't think of what i wanted to do with them. would buying a new and throwing away the old be characteristic of me, even though it were just air fresheners? or would i add the new to the old, needing of what the past had given me and not allowing me to let it go (i loved the fact that people would ask in suprise why i had soo many air fresheners).

for a second i did contemplate but i had realised that the decision had been so clear cut much longer than i had recognised. the one which sits in my room sits independently, alone, it sits with no other, not like the ones in my car. there is only one which sits in my room which has filled the air, a much larger volume, of freshness. this one has no similarity in shape, nor form, nor brand to those i described before.

i did what was right. it will sit on top of my rubbish filled bin, it's plastic tag which held it will dangle lifelessly over the edge of it. i will find a new one tomorrow, and hope, that it will give me the joy and happiness one once gave me.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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