my to dooon't

December, 2007
[ ] hitting up the great barrier reef
[ ] going camping somewhere
[ ] starting up and working hard on distributing company
[ ] starting to study for pharmacy subjects next year
[ ] working hard for a good month
[X] find another job or get extra hours
[ ] clean the house
[ ] sort out all the useless stuff in the house
[ ] sort out the backyard sheds
[X] buy new mower and mow the grass
[ ] fix up the boats and sell 2
[ ] get boat license
[ ] start up ebay shop
[X] go chermside shopping
[ ] go hot air ballooning
[ ] buy a car
[ ] renovate the house
[ ] fix up light in the hall way and bindis light downstairs
[X] replace all light bulbs with energy efficient ones
[ ] change all tap washers, taps and shower heads to efficient ones
[ ] go on the 12 week bondy challenge
[ ] get the car serviced
[ ] start up the garden
[ ] fix up that business plan on twentyfour
[ ] begin study on sleep
[ ] make a youtube video
[ ] make a video
[X] put up kitchen benches for mum
[ ] fix the door knobs and handles for the house
[ ] fix up all the fly screens
[X] have at least one bbq

July, 2008
[X] grab the iphone and change phone plan
[ ] make herb garden
[X] do taxes
[X] reapply for cl
[X] print out uni timetable
[X] buy uni books
[X] clean up room
[X] clean car
[X] mow the lawn
[X] burn all of arrested development
[X] grab family guy off of nick
[X] grab futurama off of trung
[X] grab how i met your mother from nick
[X] do the laundry
[ ] re-write up gym routine
[ ] borrow movies out from video ezy
[X] give cola a bath
[X] clean fish tank
[X] clean up middle room
[X] fix all tap washers
[X] go tailor fishing
[ ] go tailor fishing once more
[ ] go fishing with phuc
[X] get car serviced
[ ] buy a new ironing board

i dunno about you, but making and writing up lists is one of my favourite pastimes. i actually like writing to do lists more than doing the things on them which is pretty obvious considering the amount of stuff i've got done in my previous attempts. i can't believe that although a year has pretty much passed ever since my december list, there are still things on it that i still need to do.

having already (yes, uni will just be around the corner soon) being 2 days since my last exam and holidays officially starting i guess i've made a pretty good start. we kicked it at scarbourough the other night for a dreadful night of wetting the line (that's exactly how it was) and did a good session of having a kick and throw of the ball, followed by a feed and a dotaing/ codding on the sunday; it has been pretty eventful. none the less, if i actually did give it a little bit more time, i reckon i can get a few little bits and pieces done. this list i will call the urgency list.

there are a few differences to this list. i'll add a time frame for one, which will hopefully get me in the mood for completing them (i should do the same on the goals lists to the side). i'll try and prioritise them as well but i'll probably do that later (i'll put it on the list of to do things).

here is my november 2008 - 31st December 2008.

NOV 2008 - DEC 2008

[] Mow the lawn
[] Reformat and clean up the computer
[] Fix the computer in the sunroom
[] Clean room
[] Clean the middle room
[] Clean the far room
[] Fold the clothes
[] Clean the lounge room
[] Tile up the kitchen wall
[] Fix all tap washes (bathroom, kitchen, laundry)
[] Be able to play James Morrison - You give me something on guitar
[] Clean the car
[] Give cola a bath
[] Clean up the sheds
[] Get the boat running
[] Clean the long boat
[] Sell the long boat
[] Sell the big boat
[] Cancel ACN phone
[] Sort out hours over at Six Degrees
[] Call dad
[] Make rails for the boxing bag
[] Buy a new boxing bag/ speed ball
[] Get mum a new phone plan
[] Get cola a worm tablet
[] Fix the hallway lights
[] Fix bindis room lights
[] Go Chermside shopping
[] Clean the fish tank
[] Lose 5 kilos
[] Increase skipping to 2 minutes
[] Sort out all CDs in lounge room
[] Buy new blinds and curtains
[] Sort out gym program
[] Play basketball (dunk)
[] Organise a kick the ball around day
[] Get new blog up and running
[] Clean out youtube favourites (i've reached max favourites, my second time)
[] Go fishing
[] Borrow movies and watch them
[] Get boat license
[] Get car serviced
[] Get a new ironing board
[] Fix up fly screens
[] Fix up door handle in bathroom

Those are the few short term things I can think of to do. I should start, only after gym.


  1. puoq said...

    wtf is a 12 week bondy challenge

''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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