Wednesday, November 19, 2008

an hour into the new day of wednesday and 3 days since holidays started i'ld like to see how i've progressed through that so called list i had put up.

instead of working through my goals at the end of yesterday and the start of today, i found myself alongside the brissie river, trying my luck at fishing yet again. the 3 or so tarwhine brought up was definately not worth the late, exhausting and wet (more like drenched) night we had endured. anyone who wasn't already sleeping on the way home had dreamt of that nice warm bed waiting.

i slept, woke up, ate and slept again. i awoke just before work. work wasn't too bad tonight. its pretty cruisy now considering the weather but even still, the grill i'm usually stuck on (not really how it sounds, i love the grill) seems more like a chore now, than it was when i first started. as a matter of fact, while scrubbing the gravy stained pan, i was shocked at how 1 year had past just like that. a year ago i was just beginning. a year ago i could barely hold a knife and was only able to cook the dip trio (pretty hard to fuck up considering it's toasted turkish bread and dips but i somehow did manage to a few times).

so smashing it home in the rain, deciding to disregard that message i sent to everyone about hanging tonight, i headed over to the sunnybank blockbuster to grab a few movies so i could enjoy this wonderful indoor night. with the pitter patter of the rain outside (yes, i'm going to use pitter patter) and that moist rain smell lingering, there's definately no better night to hang indoors. despite the fact that i'm a lonely dude anyways, its good to have a night alone to chill out and do your own stuff ay. i've been able to youtube a bit, fold the clothes which littered my floor and do my bed so i guess i can cross off....

[X] Fold the clothes
[X] Sort out hours over at Six degrees (it's going to be a fun holiday; 6 days a week)
[1/2] Borrow movies (i still haven't watched them yet)

i guess that's a start.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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