
so with 3 down already, and going down pretty alright might i add, there are two more, one of which sits on 60% of my total grade although being maths based, doesn't seem to conern me too much, and the other, i reckon i can get by without studying. nonetheless, i'll probably cram hard tonight even though pharmkinetics is on the friday. see how it goes tonight, i might just go as hard as i can.

feeeling pretty good at the moment. am actually back into the study mentality again; those last two exams (pharmacology and physiology) completely wrecked me ay. post monday exam and yesterday was a pretty good time to relax and chill out wif the hangings so it was pretty cool.

two more to go, so i guess being down hill now, i shouldn't start putting on the brakes just as yet. here's something which carried me today. i share a jason mraz song and a few photos from last night. if your still on exams, good luck to you, if your done i hope you start to get ready for my completion cause it's gonna get hectic. see you on the other side; as martin has said.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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