i'm pretty stufffffed

yes, even though i'm pretty stuffed both physically and mentally, i still have some slight thought of optimism where i hope for shits that tomrorows exam will consist of mostly questions from pde-5, oral contraceptives and glucocorticoids, i know for a fact that there won't be. 12 hours ago, i sat in this same spot. now, although i'm still sitting here, i've crammed by memorisation 2 lectures and a good concentration of caffeine if intravenously ejected, would probably concide with the highest levels i've ever experienced (hell, i can feel the palpitations of my heart increasing as we speak).

by 12 oclock i'm hoping to finish thyroid drugs. with the memorisation of pde-5 lectures, i'll probably try and revise them along with the sars of the ANS and histamine. by maybe around 4, lipids will end. to freaking hell with asthma and COPD, i hopefully (to hope is little of what i am describing) will be able to cope without it. i'm not just pretty stuffed, what i'm in can be described as "stuff" cyclically re-administerred up my backside, that's how stufffed i am. there still is optimism.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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