
Five hours into the new year and I already feel as though a massive weight has dropped from my shoulders. With every new start, we reflect on what has passed both good and bad; the memories which have made the year. The year just ending wasn't the greatest year for everyone. I can confidently say that for the majority of us, the year was filled with the many pains and sorrows that life sometimes throws at you.

I can also confidently say that although through all the troubles and worries this year, we have come up on top through close friendships and tight bonds. While standing amongst the people who made this year for me, I felt quite emotional when the clock ticked over to twelve. Like in the movies, the second hand seemed to stop and memories of the year rushed through my mind. Reflecting on the good and bad times of the year, it was obvious that it was a great one, I mean, how can it not be when your still surrounded by your most loved ones, exactly one year just passed?

I thought of how we spent our holidays last year and compared it to this one and it's pretty evident that it differed considerably. Last year seemed like one filled with memories which were made through doing things, 2009 that is; confused? I am. I remember spending New years eve climbing half of Mt Cootha to watch fireworks. I guess this year we all grew to enjoy the little things in life. I feel the group has grown together and I guess we wouldn't of done so without the experiences of the previous; especially the things you do once to know that you'll never do it again.

This year just passed has been like the one previous in a sense. We've all grown up so much more this year to an extent that I feel that we are actually becoming real adults. Who would of thought that such a young group of people would have more knowledge and respect than some of those double their age. But to gain such traits, we again, had to experience the experiences that we will never want to experience ever again....experience.

I feel so much stronger, and wiser but I know that there is so much more for me to learn in the year coming. This time next year, I will look back and think 2010 was easy.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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