Is it something else?

Life at the moment seems as confusing as the first time I started at the gym. With so many opinions contradicting my once straight forward mind, it seemed I was lost before even going to the gym.

Following different regimens and routines to try and be the healthiest I could be, it wasnt until I made several mistakes that I found what really worked for me. Much like many things in life that you want so dearly, it didnt come without hard work. To feed the body, sufficient amounts of protein needed to be ingested. Too much and it would go to waste, too little and your muscles would waste.

Today I've learnt that timing is so much more important than having too little or too much of something. Nutrition, supplements and a solid workout routine, even with consistency could be detrimental with bad timing; eating carbs at night and doing heavy weight training on an empty stomach.

What I'm really trying to say is that with even the stars aligning, the mindset of undeniable and uncontrollable passion, and figuring out the secret formula for what you really want, timing can take the best out of it.

Is it bad timing or is it something else?


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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