
So I have to admit, the cards I’ve been dealt lately would be best described as getting a 17 in blackjack. Not the best of cards but not really the worst either. Sometimes it seems that things could be better, but the majority of the time I’m more appreciative of what I’ve got considering things could of been so much worst.

I’ve been working pretty hard for the past fortnight or so. With my second family having to deal with a few problems of their own, I’ve been working hard to help them get through these hard times. Coupled with gym and normal everyday chores , mentally and physically, it all got a little hectic to be honest. My first day off since the last time I remembered, I spent making car braces for my accord and fixing tap washers. It’s things like these that I enjoy spending my free time on, time doing whatever I feel like. It relaxes me knowing that I’m not rushed to complete something.
Money wise, upon doing my budget for the month I was excited that I may be able to pay off my credit card (again) until realizing that there was actually a DR next to my savings account. In an effort to save some money, I neglected to cash any of my pay cheques' and forgot that I was literally down to the dollar on my savings when automatic payments were withdrawn. But in a more positive way, I’ve definitely learned that to save money, you’ve got to know how much money you’ve got; I definitely will not be giving the bank any more overdrawn fees.
So to recap; I’m always working but I’m never rich. Life seems good though.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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