Money Money Money.....Money!

Sticking to a budget is much like working out in the gym. At first, you begin to make your budget by considering both your combined income and expenses. The subtraction of your expenses from your income gives either a credit or debit account equating to either savings or debt.

Similar to working out in the gym, your trying to better the original. From trying to save money to losing weight, much follows the same concepts. To save money you must have income which exceeds your expenses. There are two ways to do this, either increase your income or reduce your expenses. Working out is similar. To lose weight you must have an output (calories out) which exceeds your input (calories in). You either increase your output by doing more exercise or decrease your input by eating less.

Often the main solution to increasing income is finding a second job. When this is applied to losing weight, cardio seems to represent this exactly. Given that the majority of your income comes from your main job, the second job helps to create a larger buffer between spending and saving. With knowledge that nutrition applied correctly to the equation of losing weight and having it correlate to the main job, the cardio allows for cheat meals. These buffers or positive expenses (spending or cheat meals), in my opinion helps with progress.

It feels kind of sad that my life has turned into this. But I guess when you have one aspect sorted out, others kind of follow aswell. Hopefully I’ll be able to apply these concepts to my budget and see my debts dissapear this year. Just taking it one step at a time.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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