I love you Brisbane.

Picture above by Arman Ziggles Berkett Saleh, facebook.

I walk the streets of the once lively, brightly lit city, bustling with cars and people; those whom would be out for a late afternoon stroll or heading home from a hard days work,, in silent darkness. The center of my beloved city has turned into a ghost town, one with little movement, little noise and little much else other than the smells of what is left from the river which lurks in the humid air.

Initial reactions of the water surging through the city are described as excitement and fascination. We travel to our most treasured spots on the river and were absolutely amazed by how the water has affected it. The museum where you would find us some nights walking along the broad walk, admiring the city line and finding possible fishing spots, was under, everything was under. The slight amusement in prawns jumping on the surface was the first and last positive thing we found from the flooding. Soon enough the water was too high to even walk under the road which links the museum and south bank. The sounds of glass breaking below us in the performing arts car park and water gushing in cannot be unheard. We stand there shock and awe, watching the tremendous power of the Brisbane River sweep trees, jetties, boats, parts of houses, and pretty much anything in the way, down stream, into other parts of Brisbane.

Kangaroo point, much like all the other places we visited were littered with Brisbanites, curious just as we were to witness the infamous history of the 2011 Brisbane floods unfold. A lot of people questioned how and why and what was being done but soon enough, everyone began to ask when. When will the water recede, when will the electricity be turned back on, when will we be able to return to our homes, when will be be able to go back to our normal lives.

As fortunate as I have been through these times of destruction, I share my grief with my mates whom have been less fortunate and can only imagine what they are going through. While a couple of of them live in darkness and wait out the days till the council begins their immense clean up and restore power, some have lost their homes and even loved ones. To all of them, I send my love and condolences and pray for you to have the strength to surpass such times of tragedy. We are all apart of this city and in times of need, we will band together to share the grief and move forward; there is no other option.

I love you Brisbane, there’s no place like home.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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