My to do

So what am I to achieve this year. What am I to tick off at the end of 2013. The missus remided me of how important to do lists were. Although my habits of writing a to do list have kind of settled, may the reason being that they have seriously been taking up more of my time rather than making life more efficient, I do miss making them. It is kind of a strange satisfaction being able to cross of goals and things to do once you complete them (or not) so I've decided to do one.

My to do list for 2013.

1. 90kg
2. Get through internship
3. Sell the accord
4. Sell the integra
5. Buy a new car
6. Be debt free
7. Buy mums house
8. Work on business
9. Be happier.
10. Travel overseas.

10 goals, 12 months less 18 days.

Lets go, lets get it (thanks David so).


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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