It's the little things in life that people forget when they get so caught up with staying alive that really matter. We've been so caught up with life and all it's happenings, mostly issues relating to not having enough of the green which has made us all become so work obsessed.

Working three jobs has taken a toll on me. I've really had enough. I've decided to resign from my position as security supervisor at the beloved calamvale hotel; my life for the past 6 or so years. Another massive boulder off of my shoulders, I'm still juggling the three jobs until the 19th (my official resignation date) and even though it has become easier (much easier), I finally decided I'm going to give myself a break. To the credit of my second half, to be honest, if it weren't for her bugging me to go and let loose with the few, I seriously would not realise that it's the little outings, the little dinners and the little time spent with the loved ones which make your life wonderful. I had forgotten, seriously.

Christmas was spent with new and old and something that cannot be bought with money. The minute time spent playing with the dogs, which as you can see have seemed to really miss the belly and chin rubs and the couple of hours playing in the sand, watching waves crash before you really makes you wonder why you don't do these things more often.

This year I will concentrate on being the best I can be both personally and professionally. I will develop myself and hopefully come out of 2013 a better and happier person. One day I will look back at these photos and not regret a single thing.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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