
It’s been nearly two days without power and the only real thing that has really gotten to me is the heat. The awful, humid, sweat sticking heat! It’s only the sweat that has dried up and cooled down on the side of my pillow which keeps me slightly sane, having it be a few degrees cooler.

I’ve been addicted to sons of anarchy these past few days. I actually had the whole of season one a few months back but pre-reg and all it’s happenings have made me unable to watch it. My opinion on how the series is at the moment seems to be skewed, since other than watching a few episodes of SOA, limited by how long I’ve got left on my battery, there isn’t much else I can do that doesn’t require power.

I had high hopes for today, was planning on make a photo project (what I was supposed to do yesterday) but I think it’s a lot more to do with motivation and inspiration rather than just going out and doing a project in this particular sense. I did plan to read a bit more, write a bit more and maybe even do a sketch or two but other than the reading part, the latter also requires a bit of inspiration.

I quite enjoy this chillness at the moment. Sitting in the back porch, dogs by my side and the noise of lawn mowers a few houses away, maybe a little inspiration has sparked a little of my imagination.

Off to do something.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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