
As I sign on for the last time, put a frustrated man in an arm bar for the last time, and stack the radios in the office leaving the remaining two or three scattered on the bench beside it, I walk away from the Calamvale hotel as a security officer, for the last time ever.

I feel kind of like I miss it already. My letter of resignation I sent over to the big bosses a few weeks ago really did cement my words to actions. Having put so much of my life into being a good guard, I was rewarded with not only a position as security supervisor, I found a big bunch of life long mates and most importantly, learned so many things along the way.

Why I left security, because I wanted to. I have reached a stage in my life where I am able to make choices much more easier than before. May it be a better financial situation I have been put in, or may it be that my view in life is a little less cloudy; the decision I made to resign from security was solely because I could.

Other reasons could also include having a free Friday where I can sleep a little earlier which would lead to me waking a little more refreshed on the Saturday, or that I would no longer need to exert myself physically to fulfill my employment, or that I would no longer need to soak my blood stained shirts after the majority of my Friday shifts.

But they are all simple reasons anyone could make to quit a job. I really believed that I had reached a level where it turned exponentially harder to gain the next. I’ve told the missus a few things before, if you are always hungry, you will never be full.

As I sit here in the kitchen of the sixer, finished the chores for the morning, 2 hours early, I wonder if I’m in the same position as I was before resigning security. All my life I believe that I have always exceeded the level of my expected job description. Overconfident, cocky maybe but I honestly believe that if you don’t know your own true worth, whom else can judge that?

 Bye for now.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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