No power.

Now that I’ve cleaned up the roominess, tidied up all my papers and categorized them all into folders, I’m left here with 4 hours and 19 minutes left on my laptop (4 hours and 18 minutes now), trying to squeeze in some blogging before I get bored and find something else to do.

I’ve always found it a weird happening when there isn’t any power. I feel that society just can’t cope (me) with not having power just available whenever we require it. If power were normal, I probably would be sleeping. Wouldn’t be doing much else to be honest but with knowledge that it ‘is’ out, all I want to do is watch tv, play games, and surf the internet. Sigh….always wanting the things that we cannot have.

It feels awfully quiet around, especially on a Monday but then again, we are technically on a public holiday due to Australia day lying on a weekend (good country isn’t it?!) but still, the sounds of an Australia day holiday just doesn’t seem right, with little noise other than the wind rustling whatever leaves there are left.

To be honest, it really isn’t all that quiet. I made use of the 5 dollar speakers Thuy bought for me from typo, the cardboard ones that you have to fold up. Lucky for me, I charged my ipod all night last night so at least I’ve have the sounds of Maroon blasting ever so softly for however long my ipod battery lasts.

Until then, I better find something more productive to do. Might even go out and enjoy the scenery that is my house. I miss this.


''one who has no dreams has nothing''

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